Faith. We all have it. It is hard-wired into us. The Bible tells us we can ask the Lord to increase our faith (Luke 17:5), but we all have faith. You get into an elevator and you have faith it will go either up or down when you press the button. You go into the bathroom, turn on the faucet and you have faith that the water will come out. You go into your den at night, click on the light switch and you have faith the light will come on. We are creatures of faith.
But sometimes when it comes to God, we don't operate in faith. We HOPE. We THINK. If you "think" God is going to work in your life; if you "hope" something will happen-- that's not faith. There is a difference between hoping God is going to do something in your life and having faith that it will happen.
Now we're not talking about wanting a Mercedes or for that "cute boy in English class" to notice us. We are talking about things that are in God's will for our lives. Of course, there has been some prayer involved, seeking what God's will is for us. But once that has been established: the Bible tells us to walk in faith (2 Corinthians 5:7).
Here are seven key words Charles Stanley uses to help you understand if you are walking in faith.
ASSURANCE. Assurance that God is going to keep His word. God has many promises in the Bible. Many are applicable in our lives. What He says He will do, He will do. Mostly, if you aren't seeing God manifest Himself in your life, there are two simple options: a) You need to wait on God. Keep waiting. b) there is something in your life inhibiting the flow of God's grace. The problem is always on our side, never on God's side. Some searching and praying for insight might be necessary. Remember sin inhibits our communication with God.
ANTICIPATION. When you anticipate that something is going to happen, you make plans, you prepare. I heard a great example of this: If you said to me that you were going to Europe tomorrow, I'd say "Great! Are you packed? Do you have your tickets? Do you know where you are going when you get there?" If you answered "No" to all my questions, then I'm afraid I have to say, "You're not going to Europe tomorrow." We need to be prepared for when God answers our prayers.
AWARENESS. The sensitivity to see that God is already up to something in the circumstance you are concerned about. To watch for every little divine movement. To see the divine plan at work step-by-step. Once you set yourself to be aware for these "God moments," you will see them more and more. We have to start looking for these things.
ACCESS. The use of the gift of prayer to access the Father at any moment, any time, any where. We have in prayer the best thing that could be given to us: unlimited access to the Father. From the the first waking moment of our day we should be addressing Him, thanking Him, and glorifying Him. Reviewing our day with Him. Asking Him for guidance.
God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble (Psalm 46:1). Our first line of defense in every situation is prayer--- not our last resort. Christians should never say "Well, all that is left to do now is pray."
AUTHORITY. The recognition of the authority given to us by the Lord. The scriptures say "
ask and it shall be given..." Jesus said "
If you ask anything in my name, I will do it." (John 14:14). We have been given authority simply by who we are in His kingdom. Are you walking in this authority?
ACTION. The acid test of your faith is your obedience to the Lord. Noah was told to build an ark, he started building. "I believe" and "I serve" are actions words. A person of faith DOES. Jesus said "If you love me you will obey me" (John 14:15). Faith-filled people are obedient people.
APPROVAL We gain God's approval through our faith Romans 5:1 tells us that we have been justified by our faith. In the eleventh chapter of Hebrews, biblical greats are innumerated for their faith with the final verdict being that they gained approval through their faith. "...
having gained approval through their faith" (Hebrews 11:39). These illustrations in Hebrews 11 only go to show that God wants to bless you when you obey Him.
The ultimate reason God will honor your faith is because others will see and be in awe of what He is doing in your life and in turn place their trust in Him. "
I waited patiently for the LORD; And He inclined to me and heard my cry. He brought me up out of the pit of destruction, out of the miry clay, And He set my feet upon a rock making my footsteps firm. He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God; Many will see and fear; And will trust in the LORD" (Psalm 40:1-3).