You are a fantastically gifted and clever speaker with a very catchy way of explaining biblical concepts. Your Nooma series are excellently produced and enjoyable to watch. Even your longer video, Everything is Spiritual, has remarkably memorable concepts regarding that first chapter in Genesis.
Yet you are being called the "GNOSTIC HIP HERETIC" by many in the Christian faith. You must ask yourself: WHY? Biblically, we are to examine ourselves regularly. The cautions against preaching untruths are plentiful. As much as I want to embrace the gospel you are preaching, someone needs to tell you that you are, indeed, preaching a false gospel. I pray you listen to your critics carefully because the bible is very clear on the subject of false teachers preaching false gospels.
You have the ability to bring the gospel and love of Jesus to so many people. It is imperative that your doctrine be correct. I need to tell you that it DOES matter "what trampoline" you are jumping on-- not just that you are jumping, as you proclaim.
Your gospel is radically different than what the bible states.
Please take time to seek the truth of scripture. What you say will have eternal implications for many people. Some starting points:
--it DOES matter if Joseph was really Jesus' biological father. It would make the gospel untrue.
--it DOES matter if Mary was not a virgin. This also would make the gospel untrue.
--God did NOT give us the right to create and then take "great risk" to see if it would veer off course. This is an incorrect Deist version of God. God is not surprised by human events. He is omniscient.
--It truly IS vitally important that a person believe in Jesus Christ for salvation, not just live like Jesus. One can do all the good works they want, it will not give them salvation.
--You DO have to preach the gospel with words. Yes, show it in your life, but it is only HIS word that does not return void. (Is 55:11)
--We do NOT all have the "spark of the divine" in us. That would be called pantheism, and it's biblically wrong, if not blasphemous. The Holy Spirit residing in an individual can not be considered a "spark of the divine."
--There is NO SECOND CHANCE to recieve Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior after we die. This is a supremely tragic error as well as terrifyingly untrue. The Bible is clear that we need to believe in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior while alive here on earth while we have the chance. Once we die, we immediately face judgment: "it is appointed for man to die once and after this judgment" (Hebrews 9:27). There is no second chance. Post-mortem salvation is a cruel lie.
I could go on, but this is a good place to start. Be wary of pride. You must examine yourself (2 Corinthians 13:5). True knowledge comes from God alone, not from seeking within ourselves.
Sincerely, your sister in Christ
Please take time to seek the truth of scripture. What you say will have eternal implications for many people. Some starting points:
--it DOES matter if Joseph was really Jesus' biological father. It would make the gospel untrue.
--it DOES matter if Mary was not a virgin. This also would make the gospel untrue.
--God did NOT give us the right to create and then take "great risk" to see if it would veer off course. This is an incorrect Deist version of God. God is not surprised by human events. He is omniscient.
--It truly IS vitally important that a person believe in Jesus Christ for salvation, not just live like Jesus. One can do all the good works they want, it will not give them salvation.
--You DO have to preach the gospel with words. Yes, show it in your life, but it is only HIS word that does not return void. (Is 55:11)
--We do NOT all have the "spark of the divine" in us. That would be called pantheism, and it's biblically wrong, if not blasphemous. The Holy Spirit residing in an individual can not be considered a "spark of the divine."
--There is NO SECOND CHANCE to recieve Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior after we die. This is a supremely tragic error as well as terrifyingly untrue. The Bible is clear that we need to believe in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior while alive here on earth while we have the chance. Once we die, we immediately face judgment: "it is appointed for man to die once and after this judgment" (Hebrews 9:27). There is no second chance. Post-mortem salvation is a cruel lie.
I could go on, but this is a good place to start. Be wary of pride. You must examine yourself (2 Corinthians 13:5). True knowledge comes from God alone, not from seeking within ourselves.
Sincerely, your sister in Christ
originally published 3/16/2010