Or become apathetic about it?
Can a true believer ever read a portion of Scripture and declare 'ho-hum'?
Acts 1:11
Jesus ascends into heaven leaving His followers gazing up.
Two "men in white" appear and say (my paraphrase here)
........ .....whatcha lookin' at? This same Jesus is gonna
..............come back the same way you saw Him leave!
So they leave the Mount of Olives and go back to Jerusalem to wait like Jesus told them to.

Outstanding, no? Supernatural, no? Jesus is COMING BACK and these magically appearing "men" said the way the disciples saw Him leave is the way He will be coming back! Hallelujah!
But wait, it gets better! Cross-reference to Zechariah 14:4, written some FIVE HUNDRED years before Jesus walked the earth. This prophet is talking about the day when the LORD will come back in glory. He states:
On that day his feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, east of Jerusalem, and the Mount of Olives will be split in two from east to west, forming a great valley, with half of the mountain moving north and half moving south
Over five HUNDRED years before Jesus was born, baptized, ministered, died, resurrected, and ascended... over five HUNDRED years before two 'men in white' appeared to tell a group of followers that their leader (who just left in a very unique way) would be back the same way... God, through Zechariah, told us that when the Messiah comes again, He will stand on the Mount of Olives----
..................----the same place He left from.
Which is what the 'two men in white' said.
Isn't that amazing?? Praise God!
originally published 6/19/09
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