Ah, the good old King James Bible. What could sound more beautiful? But many don't seem to have an ear for it. Go to any Christian bookstore--- or any bookstore, for that matter-- and you will find many translations of God's Holy Word.
But are they all the same? Obviously not. There have been many translations written for many different purposes. For example: We see in the KJV a "formal equivalence," which means a word for word translation. The New American Standard Bible (NASB) is also translated word for word, but it's authors sought to render the grammar and terminology in contemporary English terms.
The New International Version (NIV) is a dynamic equivalence, or "thought for thought" translation. These translators made more of an attempt at interpreting the meaning for the reader, while the translators of the KJV and NASB leave you free to make the interpretation yourself.
Another translation of the Bible would be the "paraphrase." Into this category are the translations The Living Bible, Phillips Paraphrase, and The Message. These were written by men in an attempt to contemporize the Bible. For example, Kenneth Taylor wrote the Living Bible so his children would more easily understand the Bible. A paraphrase of the Bible should not be used as a Christian’s primary Bible. We have to remember that a paraphrase is what the author thinks the Bible says, not necessarily what the Bible says. In fact, often we find in these books that they can be very misleading and actually not what the original texts intended.
I am disturbed at how much New Age terminology and obvious occult references are in The Message Bible by Eugene Petersen. I have read that people who have been brought out from New Age beliefs have said that if they had read Mr. Petersen's version of the Bible, they would have never left those practices for the salvation of Christ because they would have thought they were on the correct path. Mr. Petersen also waters down the condemnation on homosexuality, the submissive role of a wife, and the place of Jesus as Lord. These are things to beware, Brothers and Sisters!
As for me, I can not see where these is any value in The Message for serious students of the Word. And I cringe at the thought of this book being read from the pulpit. God's word does not need help from us. It is the Living Word of God that alone has the ability to transform lives!
But are they all the same? Obviously not. There have been many translations written for many different purposes. For example: We see in the KJV a "formal equivalence," which means a word for word translation. The New American Standard Bible (NASB) is also translated word for word, but it's authors sought to render the grammar and terminology in contemporary English terms.
The New International Version (NIV) is a dynamic equivalence, or "thought for thought" translation. These translators made more of an attempt at interpreting the meaning for the reader, while the translators of the KJV and NASB leave you free to make the interpretation yourself.
Another translation of the Bible would be the "paraphrase." Into this category are the translations The Living Bible, Phillips Paraphrase, and The Message. These were written by men in an attempt to contemporize the Bible. For example, Kenneth Taylor wrote the Living Bible so his children would more easily understand the Bible. A paraphrase of the Bible should not be used as a Christian’s primary Bible. We have to remember that a paraphrase is what the author thinks the Bible says, not necessarily what the Bible says. In fact, often we find in these books that they can be very misleading and actually not what the original texts intended.
I am disturbed at how much New Age terminology and obvious occult references are in The Message Bible by Eugene Petersen. I have read that people who have been brought out from New Age beliefs have said that if they had read Mr. Petersen's version of the Bible, they would have never left those practices for the salvation of Christ because they would have thought they were on the correct path. Mr. Petersen also waters down the condemnation on homosexuality, the submissive role of a wife, and the place of Jesus as Lord. These are things to beware, Brothers and Sisters!
As for me, I can not see where these is any value in The Message for serious students of the Word. And I cringe at the thought of this book being read from the pulpit. God's word does not need help from us. It is the Living Word of God that alone has the ability to transform lives!
For further information on The Message:
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